Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA or Bachelor of Business Administration is a three-year professional undergraduate course in business management studies. The course allows student to gain cutting edge knowledge of business practices and give them deep understanding of how business works and how to view them in a new way. From the study of financial concepts to organization management, the course prepares students solve business problems in any career they choose.
The BBA classes at Krishna College of Education and Management (KCEM) are rigorous, but also collaborative and interactive. Our pedagogy approach—using flip classes, case studies, projects and simulations— equips our student to apply theory to real-world situations, instead of just reading about them in a text book. The classes, facilitated by experienced faculty, focuses on hand-on problem solving; students start with a theory, and then apply them to find solutions for problems.
The course structure has been designed in a unique manner so that students get exposed to multiple topics through labs, guest lectures, workshops, industry visits, and projects. Students, have to mandatorily work on internship for two months and present their work through viva-voce.
The college in collaboration with industry experts also offers immersive, value added courses on Data Analytics using Statistical Package, Digital Marketing, Financial management with Excel, and Content writing. Through these supplementary courses you will build specialized knowledge and gain cutting edge skills to solve business problems.
Students pursuing BBA have multiple options available. Various options in retail and marketing, banking & finance, human resource management, data science, operations, and family managed business & entrepreneurship are available for the students. They can work in private, government and nonprofit organizations and can also create new jobs for others by becoming successful entrepreneurs